Environmental Initiatives

ColorLink Japan's management policy emphasizes "contributing to solving social and environmental issues and achieving sustainable growth." The company is dedicated to meeting customer needs, supporting a decarbonized society, promoting a recycling-oriented economy, enhancing governance, and fostering the development and job satisfaction of a diverse workforce.

  • Environmental Policy

    ColorLink Japan is committed to promoting "environmental conservation" and "sustainable social development" through business activities that provide customers with optimal products and services based on optical manipulation technologies.

    Environmental Policy
    • We establish, operate, and continuously improve environmental management systems in our business and production activities.
    • We set environmental targets and communicate them to all employees, thereby raising awareness of environmental preservation activities.
    • We understand and comply with environmental laws and regulations as well as other requirements to which we agree, and strive to protect the environment.
    • We focus on items where business activities, production activities, and products may have a significant impact on the environment and on people, biodiversity, and ecosystems.
    JIS Q 14001, Registration No.JSAE 1197

    JIS Q 14001
    Registration No.JSAE 1197